Sunday, July 23, 2006


The title of this post will link you to Lt. Ehern Watada's website. He is a young man of courage who as a Lieutenant in the Army, is refusing to serve in the "war" in Iraq. His decision & action to not participate in this excuse for greed is refreshing & gives me hope. Though he faces seven years in prison & fines he is standing up for the truth of the situation. Yay!

Did any of you know about the dragging death of Anthony Graham in Louisville? It's a weird situation. Apparently Graham, a black man, got into a fight with Thomas Sewastynowicz, a white man. Somehow Graham wound up being dragged by Sewastynowicz's car when he was driving. Sewastynowicz claims Graham was trying to reach into his glove box when Sewastynowicz took off. For seven blocks he drove until Grahams head hit a light pole, killing him. Graham's father is a doctor & decided to have a 2nd autopsy done, as the father found a mark on his dead son's neck.
Funny... as I write this I'm listining to KINK radio here in PDX & there's a song playing where the hook is "waiting on the world to change." It's by John Mayer. Nice!

So here it has cooled down a bit. High 90's yesyerday, yet when I got home last night the house was 2 degrees warmer than on the 100+ day. Anyway I went to Lloyd center to stay cool & there were so many folks there. I went to look at pretty things like a lovely white & rose gold bracelet that I so couldn't afford but had to try on. Then I met up with John & we saw "The Devil Wears Prada" which was quite a good summer romp. Meryl Streep was perfect as a bitchy boss without going to over the top. For a chick flick it was a really enjoyable film. In the previews a film about Augusten Burroughs is coming & I'm looking forward to that.
After the movie John & I shopped more but this time I actually got stuff. Totally inspired by that movie, my glamour puss got the best of me & I bought some bracelets & new MAC cosmetics. Spent a bit more than I should have. But this stuff will last a while & I haven't had any yummy makeup treats in quite a while.

By the time I got home ast night there was an actual cool breeze around 9pm. So that was refreshing. Anyway when I woke up this morning I was laying in bed praying & I asked my HP to tell me something to help myself with the emotional PMSING state I've been in. And what I got, and seriously I did not think this statement up on my own, was, "believe in yourself." Still learning how to do that. As a fromer drunken, stoner, and now pill popper, it's hard to believe in myself sometimes when I now my little ego wants it's way by any means necessary. Anyway that advice brought me right back to that beautiful poem by Primus St. John. Here it is again. I'll probably post it over & over, but it's where I'm at.

I believe in myself slowly.
It takes all the doubt I've got.
It takes my wonder.

Peace out!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Fantastic poem, never heard it before, thanks for sharing!

I love Augusten's books, hope they don't ruin in by making it a movie.