Sunday, September 24, 2006


That's right it's Banned Books Week. I could go on & on about how shocked I am that some schools, libraries & book stores won't allow the public to read certain books. But quite frankly with the way things are going with you-know-who in office and such I'm not shocked about much that has to do with censorship. Anyway The AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS FOUNDATION FOR FREE EXPRESSION ( has a list of banned and challenged books I encourage folks to check out. It's no surprise many of the books on this list are queer themed. Anyway...

Found out this morning my queer cousin is getting married & this means that I'll be the only one of 14 cousins who has not married. Last night in my dream I was pregnant with a dead baby. No wonder I felt hopeless about romance/family this morning. It feels like I'm some wandering hedonist in comparison to my family. And worse my fears about what my family thinks only makes me feel more weird when the truth is I'm happy. Family. Oh how they drive us batty. But I love them. So there you have it!

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