Thursday, September 21, 2006

A Serious Connection

Reading my Free Will Astrology horoscope this morning provided me with a refresher on how to connect more strongly to grace. To act as if I have this angel with me at all times guiding & showing me the way to loving. And I don't know why it is I forget to remember the Guidance. That's why prayer is such an interesting experience. How connected am I to Spirit. How much am I believing it is here with me right now. Prayers can be so empty when not in the midst of hope & faith.

If I believed, always I'd know that the powers that be are in & all around this body, this mind. There would be increased freedom to love myself others as one of the beautiful gifts Spirit has on Earth. But alas ego does its thing. And I'm grateful of the many reminders that recovery, astrology, friends & nature show everyday.

Here's a poem by Hafiz translated by Daniel Ladinsky I read the other day that summed up where I'm at this week.

Venus Just Asked Me

For just one minute out of the day,

It may be of value to torture yourself
With thoughts like,

"I should be doing
A hell of a lot more with my life than I am -
Cause I'm so damn talented."

But remember,
For just one minute out of the day.

With all the rest of your time,
It would be best
To try
Looking upon your self more as God does.

For He knows
Your true royal nature.

God is never confused
And can see only Himself in you.

My dear,
Venus just leaned down and asked me
To tell you a secret, to confess

She's just a mirror who has been stealing
Your light and music for centuries.

She knows as does Hafiz,
You are the sole heir to
The King

My beloved, thank you for that which made me speechless.

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